Wednesday, 13 June 2012

It is all about figures, an observation by Dan Billington of Study-International

22,000 UK Students chose to study abroad in 2009.
150,000 UK students now planning to study abroad.
70% of School leavers now considering Study Abroad
500,000 plus applications to Undergraduate programmes by  UK  to home universities in 2010.
200,000 rejected applications

Thousands of UK Undergrads heading abroad  says the Guardian.

In a report dated 13th June 2012, the Guardian newspaper suggests that many British  students are about to leave the United Kingdom and study abroad in their tens , if not hundreds, of thousands
Detailing the considerations faced by a student wanting to study abroad, the Guardian made the following statistical comparisons

“Going to university is a pretty big step, but moving abroad for three years to do your degree is an even bigger one. To date it's a choice that few UK students have made – 2009 figures from the OECD show just 22,000 opting to study in another country, a tiny proportion of the two million or so who stay at home.”

Whilst in reference to research completed  by the  graduate careers website;  Prospects, they further evidenced assumptions that might result in a mass student exodus overseas.

“More recent figures on who's moving abroad to study are hard to find, but a survey of school leavers and undergraduates carried out in March by Prospects showed that a quarter were planning to study abroad, over 70% more were considering it, and only 4% completely ruled it out “

Furthermore, In February this year, the Guardian also reported a fall in the numbers of UK undergraduate applications to University at home. The numbers then had been dramatically slashed by almost 9%. That alone equates to about  55000 students.

So do the figures stack up ?
In 2010, the guardian also reported that over half a million applications to undergraduate programmes in the UK had been received and over 200, 000 of them had been rejected. The Guardian, experts in the education market also indicated a similar differential for the previous year.
So where does that leave us ?
An estimated 600,000 UK undergraduates seeking university places for 2012 intake and based on those figures:
420,000 students potentially considering university places overseas. 150,000 actively taking them up on an annual basis. The airports are going to be busy come the autumn.
Perhaps the numbers are far in excess of what will be the reality, who knows - but what is true is that these statistics are sufficient for UK students and parents to at least consider every option. Already 150,000 are thinking about it every year.
Will you join  those who study abroad and become one of  the leaders of tomorrow, the entrepreneurs of the future or a decision maker of the decades to come or will you study in the UK only to be chattelled to a life time of debt?. If so, not only will you take control of your own future but you will have the best experience in doing so.  You will be amongst the most attractive candidates to the most attractive careers. The most sort after commodity.
The reality of course is also that those figures will balance naturally and only those students with the intention of seeking to get a head in their future career will opt to study abroad and whilst products of home education will struggle to find their feet post graduation, those that took the decision to study abroad will be tomorrows high flyers.

I think that is going to be you.

For more information on Studying abroad, contact Study International via or call us on 0844 5555 480 or email 
Dan Billington 
Director, Study International 
Dan Billington is the owner of Study International and a qualified and  experienced Study Abroad Adviser. 

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